Monday, November 14, 2016

Reading 5

     Chapter eight touches upon the responsibilities of leadership, how a leadership should be organized, and how said leadership will affect those involved.

     A community of connected educators builds around it's leaders. A connected leader leads by example, sharing their techniques to make the jobs of those that look to them easier, so everyone can be more productive. I could imagine the head of an art department at any business should aspire to be this kind of leader. If I was to lead a team of artists I would try my hardest to contribute the most to the project so that others can aspire to do the same and look to me for advice and inspiration.

      As well as leading by example, a connected leader is expected to inspire others to lead too. Even sharing responsibilities, which would take a treat deal of trust for me, personally. I'd feel anxious, delegating work to others if I'd rather do it myself, but a connected leader can build a trust with those they share responsibilities with. The importance of creating a force of leaders is that it makes sharing a wealth of information more accessible, and convenient for those leading.

     A network of leaders means that any one individual tasked with a project won't be spread thin to assist the others involved. Those assisting the leader, sharing the success or struggles of the project, have a greater motivation to do well themselves, and inspiring others in the group to apply themselves as well. Connected leadership is the most efficient means of inspiring teamwork.

Thank you for coming, Goodnight!

1 comment:

  1. Connor, I really liked reading your blog it was short, sweet and to the point, it showed very colorful pictures to help illustrate each discussed topic. As an artist, leadership is so important like you stated. As an artist your goal is to inspire others through your work and to lead in the direction of success by allowing yourself and others around you to be the best artist they can be. personally, as a future teacher, leadership will also be very important in my profession. It will be my responsibility as a teacher to be the best leader I can be to not only my students but to the parents and other teachers like myself. Great job, thanks for sharing!
