Sunday, November 20, 2016

Exploring Your Digital Portfolio - Supercut

Exploring Your Digital Portfolio is The course to take if you intend to use any form of social media in your daily life or future career.

     The internet we know today a beautiful beast.You can contact others worldwide, instantaneously. Communications technology has never been more advanced or accessible, and online business tools are plentiful and flourishing. We truly live in a technological golden age, but it comes at a steep price. The internet is forever, that is, what happens on the internet might stay on the internet forever. Moments of embarrassment can outlast their creators on the internet, especially if there's an audience present. While not everyone is so capable of making a bad impression, there are some that cannot grasp the finality of their actions on the internet, that's why Exploring Your Digital Portfolio is such an important course.

     Exploring Your Digital Portfolio, or "Don't ruin your public image on the internet 101", Is a pivotal course for anyone interested in having a professional presence online or on various social media locales. As well as instilling good manners on Twitter, the course endows you with a wealth of Web-tools to study and utilize. Not to just list a bunch of Web-tools I now use, but to list a few I find the most promising:
  1. Google Docs - Saving and sharing important files with coworkers, collaborators, and clients     
    I can stop worrying about losing my work on a flash-drive, and I don't have to dig through my email to find important files sent from a coworker, all thanks to this collaborative storage powerhouse!
  2. LinkedIn - Facebook for people who haven't given up on their career
    Not to be harsh, but there is nothing you can do through Facebook to improve your chances of being hired, it can only hinder you. Fortunately, LinkedIn is for professionals that care about their appearance to employers, so it's a good way to advertise your skills and interact with other professionals in your field of interest.
  3. Prezi - A simple presentation maker with sleek transition animations
    For those who tire of the traditional PowerPoint, Prezi offers new and exciting ways to display slides of information and content, opening new worlds of presentation possibilities for those willing to think outside of the box.
  4. VoiceThread - Group critique presentation platform
    An interesting take on presentations, VoiceThread is a media showroom. You can upload almost anything to a thread, but upon creation it becomes accessible for others to access and contribute to in a variety of comment mediums.
  5. Wikispaces - The group research project website builder
    If you ever find that the internet is lacking a great deal of research in a certain subject matter, creating a wiki page about it is the first step in bringing said subject to the public eye.

      I have the teachings of Exploring Your Digital Portfolio, as well as an incredible professor, to thank for my newfound knowledge of social media manners. The lesson plans aren't so universal as I may have made them initially seemed though, as the reading materials lean heavily upon a career in education, but to say this course is only for education majors would be a waste. The information is applicable to most all professional settings, it just takes some understanding to relate what you learn to what you do.

I hope you found this helpful, Thank you for visiting and Good Luck!

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