Monday, October 31, 2016

Reading 4

     Chapter four explores the concept of collaboration, and creating a professional environment for working together. While the lesson provided refers to the environment of an educator, collaboration is not exclusive to education. Artists can collaborate all throughout their careers, assuming they work well with others. By The Connected Educator's definition, the artistic equivalents of a learning environment are peer review and constructive criticism. Artists can learn a lot from one another, just as educators can teach others new concepts of teaching.

     A building block of collaborating is the relationship of those collaborating. This portion of the chapter elects to pats itself on the back for following the previous chapter about how to learn from others, because the reader couldn't have come to that conclusion on their own. Yes, learning from other people is a key component of collaboration, and learning to collaborate will build a professional relationship.

     With any professional relationship, trust is important. Collaborating with a co-worker means trusting them with your time and how successful the final product will be. Collaborating requires mutual trust, because there are mutual risks and rewards. You have to be able to trust that others are going to be as professional and goal driven as you to encourage an environment for collaborations.

I hope you found this informative, thank you for visiting, and good luck!

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