Monday, September 19, 2016


     Welcome to the grand opening of my online career log. I would prefer to think of this more along the lines of an online journal, instead of a traditional timeline chronicling my daily activities.

     Being new to Blogger, I ask that one might overlook the aesthetics of the blog itself, in favor of the visuals I can provide.
(A simple piece made in Photoshop for a project inspired by The Twilight Zone)

     Accompanying this venture on Blogger is my newly commissioned Twitter. As a Social Media novice, I found Dr. Kimberly's Cheat Sheet very enlightening, having no prior understanding of "Modified Tweets". I hope to utilize the publicity of my Twitter to share my digital portfolio with other artists and/or potential employers.

     Amassing followers that may share a passion for the arts, as well as people willing to commission or hire me for my artwork, is my aspiration for making a Twitter to partner with this blog. It's through the connections I make through Twitter that I might find professional connections to build a career upon. Thanks to this article written by Steven Hughes, I have a better idea of how to attract a greater prospect of followers.

(Contest Entry for SkillsUSA Banner, 2013. Crafted in Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop)

     In Accordance with Emily Hill's article 10 Blogging Blunders to Avoid, I intend to keep as many of these entries as brief and to the point as I can. Hopefully my grammar checks out too.  

     Thanks for visiting.


  1. Connor, I thoroughly enjoy that your blog is short and to the point! You are able to incorporate some of the readings we were provided and even promote your Twitter all in one simple post. I am looking forward to keeping up with your blog!

  2. Connor,
    I enjoyed your inclusion of personal artwork in this entry; it personalizes the article without drawing away from the core information. That being said, I would have liked to see more information on the articles you referred to as I think it would encourage the reader to stay on your page rather then go to someone else's. Beyond that, great job.
