Monday, September 19, 2016


     Welcome to the grand opening of my online career log. I would prefer to think of this more along the lines of an online journal, instead of a traditional timeline chronicling my daily activities.

     Being new to Blogger, I ask that one might overlook the aesthetics of the blog itself, in favor of the visuals I can provide.
(A simple piece made in Photoshop for a project inspired by The Twilight Zone)

     Accompanying this venture on Blogger is my newly commissioned Twitter. As a Social Media novice, I found Dr. Kimberly's Cheat Sheet very enlightening, having no prior understanding of "Modified Tweets". I hope to utilize the publicity of my Twitter to share my digital portfolio with other artists and/or potential employers.

     Amassing followers that may share a passion for the arts, as well as people willing to commission or hire me for my artwork, is my aspiration for making a Twitter to partner with this blog. It's through the connections I make through Twitter that I might find professional connections to build a career upon. Thanks to this article written by Steven Hughes, I have a better idea of how to attract a greater prospect of followers.

(Contest Entry for SkillsUSA Banner, 2013. Crafted in Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop)

     In Accordance with Emily Hill's article 10 Blogging Blunders to Avoid, I intend to keep as many of these entries as brief and to the point as I can. Hopefully my grammar checks out too.  

     Thanks for visiting.